I thought these two pictures might be good to share here.

Taken in Varaignes, France on a recent trip there. Far less light pollution than where I normally live so lots more to see with the naked eye.

I set my iPhone 15 up on the floor, for stability, to take a picture with the aperture set to open for ten seconds for the first picture and then three for the second. I then cleaned up the image and enhanced certain aspects with the VSCO editing app.

I don’t have enough knowledge to know if the haze in the first picture is high level cloud, light bleed from another source, or even the Milky Way. I’d love your thoughts on this.

Note: I’m not a photographer of any kind, especially not an astrophotographer, save for some amateur attempts. I just thought the results here were quite cool and showed just how much of the night sky we lose due to light pollution.

by hutch__PJ

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