Change my mind

by ICWiener6666


  1. EmergencyPath248 on

    Oh, its the same skeptic in bad faith that said all grey alien sightings are baby owls… 🤣

    First of all, what is the point of alphabet agencies lying about extraterrestrials

    Second of all, I’d recommend posting this in r/aliens and r/ufos instead, or r/skeptic.

    “Coverup for military technology”

    What kind of tech then, mogul…? That was a coverup for the roswell crash.

  2. Front_Waltz_8582 on

    If it’s our own tech, can you point me to the scientific research that demonstrates we can develop vehicles that are capable of the “5 observables” the Pentagon itself has identified as being indicative of UAPs? Or even the theoretical physics for it?

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