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This is what me and my girlfriend saw last friday in the sky over Munich. This is the second post to this but zoomed in. I have a few other videos as well and would be able to provide in a higher quality as well.

Those “lights” or “stars” are moving rapidly and I’ve also recorded other super fast movements which I saw only in a blink of an eye but luckily it’s visible in the other recordings as well.

It also matches the description in a post down below with the movement of “stars”.

by iosjules


  1. This is what me and my girlfriend saw last friday in the sky over Munich. This is the second post to this but zoomed in. I have a few other videos as well and would be able to provide in a higher quality as well.
    Those “lights” or “stars” are moving rapidly and l’ve also recorded other super fast movements which I saw only in a blink of an eye but luckily it’s visible in the other recordings as well.
    It also matches the description in a post down below with the movement of “stars”.

  2. they look very static to me, no rapid movement like you describe, those recordings would be the interesting ones – but till then: white balloons

  3. I am not sure if it was friday or saturday but i spotted two strange lights above cologne. First one was bright white light traveling north-east. Later i spotted a second one much smaller, red and Not as bright, moving south-west.

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