I captured this video a couple of months back during my visit to Kerala, India. Didn’t think much of it back then but I rewatched this yesterday and I am very curious. Any clue what this could be? Doesn’t look like an aircraft to be but doesn’t look like a UFO either with all the smoke towards the end.

by AncientWin3866


  1. it resembles the “orbs” I see regularly during my CE5 Sessions. sometimes its one, sometimes its many, sometimes they are mostly still or slow moving, but they can make turns and other maneuvers that sattelites and even most consumer drones could not. including completely disappearing or splitting into multiple orbs like mitosis.

    If you wanna see it again, Maybe try the CE5 protocols? they are pretty easy if you have an hour or two each night to practice it. let me know if you need any help!

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