Laslo and Silent Schumer: Top Dem Mum on UAPDA

by Disastrous-Disk5696


  1. Not sure when he asked, but there’s a lot going on in Congress right now. Better to follow up after the election.

  2. Disastrous-Disk5696 on

    SS: What can you make of nothing? Well, maybe nothing. But Laslo was certain that Schumer heard the question and kept silent.

    “*Schumer hears our question, says nothing — as Ask a Pol waits — and proceeds to slowly enter his government-issued Black SUV with the help of an officer on his detail*”

    Qui tacet consentire?

    Silence speaks, sometimes denial, sometimes admission. And, as the blessed Dionysius the Areopagite teaches in *On the Mystical Theology*, sometimes silence is reserved for the highest things:

    “For the higher we soar in contemplation the more limited become our expressions of that which is purely intelligible; even as now, when plunging into the Darkness that is above the intellect, we pass not merely into brevity of speech, but even into absolute silence of thoughts and of words.” (*MT* 2, 1033B-C)

    Make of it what you will.

  3. didn’t he back into an elevator months ago (Homer into the bushes style) when Mr. Laslo approached him?

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