🔥NEW Episode. Documentary filmmaker Darcy Weir joins us to discuss his film Transmedium: Puerto Rico’s UFOs, which covers the Aguadilla case and more. September 27th, 8 am Pacific time.

by TheGoodTroubleShow


  1. TheGoodTroubleShow on

    Documentary filmmaker and Director Darcy Weir returns with his latest film, “Transmedium: Puerto Rico’s UFOs.” In this new UAP/UFO documentary, he discusses the history of UAPs in Puerto Rico and his exclusive interview with the US Customs & Border agent who released the famous Aquadila UAP case in Puerto Rico.

  2. I’m going to be honest, I don’t know that I’d pay $8-10 for an hour and nine minute video about an encounter which has been largely debunked as an object going with the wind, at windspeed, in a fairly straight line, and never actually touches the water. 

    I’d certainly watch an ad supported youtube video though.

  3. Darcy has earned more exposure. He’s one of my favorite UFO doco makers and puts out quality content with a limited budget. Looking forward to this one too, Matt.

  4. I live in Puerto Rico. I have never seen any UFOs with my own eyes but I know of 2 people who have, both live near my town.

    The first is a woman who was in the beach at night with 3 other friends. She saw a big green glowing ball come out of the water and silently go straight up into the sky at a slow speed then a fast speed. The whole thing took about 30 seconds and it was close enough that she could have thrown a rock at it. After it left she turn around and looked at her friends and they all had blank faces. She asked them what they thought it could have been and all of them said they did not know what she was talking about. She was the only one who retained memory of it.

    The second happen also in the beach. A friend was with his wife in a beach front location. He stepped out at night to look at the sea and immediately notice something near the palm trees at a distance. A metallic ball suspended in the air. It was very windy that night and the tree leaves where moving around like crazy but the ball just stayed perfectly still in the air, not moving a single inch. He though it could have been a new drone since a balloon would have been pushed around by the wind. What bothered him was that even a drone would move a little bit in such strong winds. He said he looked right at it for about a minute and then the thing went straight up until he could not see it anymore.

    They both go to the beaches of Aguadilla and Isabela, on the left side of the island.

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