I live in Shasta County, CA about 60 miles south of Mt. Shasta. And I often walk my dog around 12-1am. There’s few artificial lights in my area, and zero cloud cover in the summertime which allows for a perfect view of the night sky.

I see these UAPs pretty regularly, maybe 2-3x per month. They are about the same size and brightness as a star, however they move non-linearly (ruling out satellites).

Usually, after a minute or so of flying around seemingly randomly they will either quickly “fade out” to nothing, or in some rare cases, turn into a miles long beam of light and zip away. Kind of like a shooting star.

Every time I see one, the first thing I do is check FlightRadar24 to make sure it’s not a plane or other known aircraft. There are two major airways above my house, and I have seen these things flying in the vicinity of actual passenger airliners. One time one appeared directly over a police helicopter a few miles away.

I decided to try and capture one on video a couple of weeks ago, and this is the result. I’m not sure how the quality will be on Reddit, but if you zoom it appears to be translucent with oscillating colors inside. The wiggly flight path almost reminds me of an animal rather than a craft.

At any rate, I don’t know what the hell they are, but they are def out here.

by critical__sass


  1. Video of UAP in Shasta County, CA

    I live in Shasta County, CA about 60 miles south of Mt. Shasta. And I often walk my dog around 12-1am. There’s few artificial lights in my area, and zero cloud cover in the summertime which allows for a perfect view of the night sky.

    I see these UAPs pretty regularly, maybe 2-3x per month. They are about the same size and brightness as a star, however they move non-linearly (ruling out satellites).

    Usually, after a minute or so of flying around seemingly randomly they will either quickly “fade out” to nothing, or in some rare cases, turn into a miles long beam of light and zip away. Kind of like a shooting star.

    Every time I see one, the first thing I do is check FlightRadar24 to make sure it’s not a plane or other known aircraft. There are two major airways above my house, and I have seen these things flying in the vicinity of actual passenger airliners. One time one appeared directly over a police helicopter a few miles away.

    I decided to try and capture one on video a couple of weeks ago, and this is the result. I’m not sure how the quality will be on Reddit, but if you zoom it appears to be translucent with oscillating colors inside. The wiggly flight path almost reminds me of an animal rather than a craft.

    At any rate, I don’t know what the hell they are, but they are def out here.

  2. Translucent and oscillating colors normally indicates an out of focus light. I have examples of what stars look like out of focus here https://flic.kr/p/2qiuLja

    I wish your video was longer. The wiggle in the flight path can be an unsteady hand, unless you had your camera on a tripod. 

    I suggest you take a longer video and upload it. I’m sure there’s lots of interested folks here who would like to see it zip away or fade out.

  3. It’s those damn gold miners with jetpacks again from Peru ! 

    If they catch you they will make you look like a Nazca mummy !

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