Of course I know some people think NHI are spiritual entities, not necessarily ETs or extradimensional beings. But I often see people in the community downplay religious people reaction towards NHI in general.

Paraphrasing here: Saying that religion won't be debunked by the existence of aliens. It would be the opposite, matter of fact the existence of aliens would just enforced the stories in the Bible, and make the the stories more valid. Only atheists will have ontological shock with disclosure, since their materialistic world view will be challenged.

I hate everything about that paragraph. The snarky jab at atheists is hilarious. But I often see people say this with so much confidence. They ignore the fact that most stories from religion are made up fairy tales. But yet they still think somehow the existence of aliens or NHI would automatically make those fairy tail stories true for some reason. I roll my eyes whenever I see people trying to combine religious mythology with aliens.

Even Jessie does this cliche at the 3:46 and 3:57 mark of the video. (https://youtu.be/bVhSPH2A5Vw?si=zrFPRipCtV2SO3Tc)

Meanwhile most people are ignoring the elephant in the room here. If NHI came down here thousands of years ago. Had interactions with humans, that lead humans to form religions based on NHI. Then why don't we see NHI do the same thing today? Why is the only way we can see NHI is via grainy and blurry vids? When humans worship them back then.

Again this theory only works if you believe NHI are spiritual entities like the more spiritual people of our community do.

So In conclusion. The existence of aliens will conflict with religion. Especially Monotheistic and Abrahamic religion. Pretty much any religion with main character syndrome, where humans are portray to be God special creatures or the center of the universe.

by Vegetable_Camera50

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