I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica last month. My wife and I love space. We were on the beach. The lights were low. And I was able to pick out Scorpius and Sagittarius with just my eyes. Then I decided to take a photo. Then I decided to up the exposure. 5,10,15,20,30 seconds. That's when I found out 30 seconds is enough to see earth's rotation.
Anyway, while looking at the photo, my wife was asking if that was the milkyway, and I said yes, but I didn’t know if we were looking into the center, or outside of an arm.
A quick Google search told me I was looking at exactly the center!
Mind. Blown. I know this is like below armature photography. But still. This is perhaps the most detailed photo I've ever captured, and the setting, the ambiance, with the sounds of the ocean waves… it was just really nice. Someone just shared a photo of a streak in their photo, with people explaining about the exposure capturing the earth's rotation, and that inspired me to share my photos.

I took the photos by placing my phone in the slates of a chair, on a slant. Or, face down on a table(the last image)

Tl;Dr. Captured Baade's Window with my Samsung galaxy s10+ while on my honeymoon. Caught the earth's rotation. Wanted to share the beauty anyway.

by NihilisticGinger

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