New studies suggest Roger Penrose might be right about his theory; how The Zel’dovich Effect might supply power to UFOs

Apparently, energy is extracted from black holes by lowering an object into the ergosphere (the region just outside of the event horizon) and allowing it to accelerate the object, stealing some of the black hole's energy.

Here's a short, concise video explaining how it works

Although the idea is not new, there is New research supporting the idea that the theory is accurate

Keep in mind, this is no ordinary man, he worked alongside Stephen Hawking to uncover the secrets of the big bang, developed a quantum theory of consciousness with anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff and won the Nobel prize in physics for his prediction of regions where the gravitational field would be so intense that space-time itself would break down, the so-called singularity at the heart of a black hole. He also popularized the idea that neural microtubules enable quantum processes in our brain, giving rise to consciousness; stating that quantum physics must be the underlying mechanism for consciousness.

Roger Penrose says: "Consciousness must be beyond computable physics".

Stop reading. The following is my personal take, please don't be triggered as it's just an idea

Like Penrose, I believe the same to be true, but would go as far to say that God/Existence is all and the same thing as well. I believe, eventually AI and human-machine interfaces will be a "hack" to make the connection, but somehow I feel it's not the right way and will be our undoing.

Without sounding too "gateway-esque", maybe it takes all of us to come together in peace as a collective in order to find what was lost before we are truly capable of fathoming our reality.

These are just my thoughts

by chloro_phyll

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