1967 Doc – Bentilee Stoke-on-Trent Eye-Witness Accounts of a UFO Landing in a Field

by silv3rbull8

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    From the YouTube video summary:

    Incredible archive footage has emerged of eye-witness accounts of a UFO landing in a field in Stoke-on-Trent.

    The year was 1967 and space fever was at its height and flying saucers and alien spacecraft were the talk of the pubs, offices and factory floors of the Potteries.

    There were dozens of sightings of flying saucers in the skies above North Staffordshire as summer neared an end.

    But one particular incident on night of September 2 – with dozens of independent accounts of a red glowing craft – seemed to have even the experts puzzled.

    Now StokeonTrentLive has acquired a clip from ATV Today where housewives, children and even a police officer reveal exactly what they saw that mysterious night in Bentilee.

    It starts with presenter Gwyn Richards doing a piece to camera about an ‘extraordinary event which was witnessed by a great many people’.

    Two of those he interviews are neighbours Mrs Bowen and Mrs Stephenson who both saw the UFO land next to the estate.

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