This photo was shared as evidence of Chris Bledsoe’s miracle work and the kids family connections.

A redditor pointed out that his right hand is abnormally small. There are also odd smudges around the wrist area.

If you look at his other hand, the pinky blends into the ledge/structure next to them, but that structure also appears in front of the boy. Is there something odd going on here, or is it just photo quality?

by Pepawtom


  1. SeginusGhostGalaxy on

    It may be photo quality? I think his head looks disproportionate to his body in this picture too, maybe he’s leaning forward slightly, and his hand tilted at an angle that catches light oddly?

    It almost feels like a semi-fish lense picture tbh, after looking at it for a while.

    🤷‍♀️ could be something as innocent as vanity editing the pic so Obama looks taller next to the kid too.

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