Trans-Medium UFO art” – My attempt at artistically portraying warp bubble UFO propulsion. ” This project is featured on as a small effort to capture the minds of people in a different internet community.

by Important_Peach_2375

1 Comment

  1. Important_Peach_2375 on

    I hope this is allowed. I dont think it violates any rules since Im not trying to sell it or anything, but I’m not sure.

    I just thought people here might appreciate it. Part of the reason I created it was to post it on the Instructables platform to see if I could drum up some interest in the topic from that community. I add a PSA at the end of my writeup with some info to help people that are more interested have a starting point for research. I have had some small successes in the past on Instructables with projects getting many many thousands of views so I figured WHY NOT! I have no other platform to help with the cause and just thought I’d do whatever small gesture I could.

    To see the Instructable which explains how this piece was made, go here: [](

    Comments/critiques are more than welcome. Thanks!

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