Anyone have any idea about the location of this transcript and it's contents? I haven't been able to find anything on the internet other than the archive which doesn't show it's contents. Unless I'm just not looking at the right location on the archive. That is very interesting that is says "a transcript of a conversation between an earthly contact, and an extra terrestrial organization."

Maybe my reading comprehension is bad. I'm not sure if it's referring to a conversation between a human and a human ET organization. Or if it refers to a human with contact to a non human organization. The archive is about a program called Project Magnet which was a government program in Canada. Very interesting nonetheless.

by TheWorldWarrior123


  1. MartianMaterial on

    Why do I think that one day the government is going to come clean and then pretend that they’ve been clean the whole time.

  2. Wilbert Brockhouse Smith was an interesting character. The university of ottawa has many of his documents. Before he died he was working on his very own anti-gravity device.

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