Okay so I’m sitting down with my mom at the dinner table eating. It’s 7:59pm. I happen to look up and see a bright star through the two branches of our front tree. I thought nothing of it, brushed it off as a space station but… the space station is on a different side of the sky.. I wondered for a sec because this star was brighter

by Slight_Board_2502


  1. Slight_Board_2502 on

    I thought it was a plane. ✈️ however the “ufo”was in the planes direct path and couldn’t tell if the plane went behind or infront of the stationary aircraft… when I zoomed in and played it back I gasped exceptionally loud becuz it looked like this thing was rotating.. changing colors.. like plasma? Idk tell me what u think.

  2. A star and light refraction. It’s very similar to a video someone posted of the star vega. Similar effect.

  3. Effective-Map8036 on

    it looks like its time to call SETI everyone this is what weve all been waiting for … a very very blurry square shifting between red and blue… definitely not a star right…. I hate myself for you

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