The real shock—the truly indigestible part of disclosure—is not about who they are, what technology they possess, or even what the government has done. Disclosure is fundamentally about who we are, what we are, and why we are here.


When Luis Elizondo talks about us not being at the top of the food chain, it's not just that there's a stronger or more advanced civilization out there. It's not about them; it's about us and how limited or primitive our awareness has been. They don't merely have better technology—they might be from a higher level of reality (if "reality" is even the right term). It's about us discovering how small we truly are.


The shock isn't in realizing that they are bigger or stronger. It's in understanding that we are much smaller and less significant than we ever imagined. Disclosure is ultimately about who we are



Grusch's Holographic Principle Example

Remember when Congressman Eric Burlison asked David Grusch during the hearing last year to expand on the concept of multidimensionality? Grusch began explaining the holographic principle. He said:


"If you want to imagine a 3D object such as yourself casting a shadow onto a 2D surface, that's the holographic principle."


It's intriguing that he used a human being as the example of a 3D object casting a shadow. He could have chosen the water bottle in front of him, the microphone, or the table—but he didn't. He chose a human being. At first, that seemed odd, but perhaps it's the perfect metaphor. It suggests that we, as humans, might just be projections or shadows of a higher-dimensional reality.



Jim Semivan's Indigestible Truth

When James Iandoli asked Jim Semivan what could be so indigestible about this subject, wondering if it's the idea that we're being visited by an intelligence more advanced than us, Semivan replied:


  • It's much deeper than that.
  • Something that people can't do anything about.
  • It's so world-changing and transformational—and maybe not in a good way.


He then quoted Luis Elizondo, mentioning that:

  •  It lies in the intersection of consciousness and quantum physics.
  • Semivan also described these two areas as things we don't know much about and that could be extraordinarily scary.
  • He talks about the idea of a universal consciousness and that we're a part of it.
  • He talks about the scientists who grasped what quantum theory is in the 1920s and 1930s, realized that we're immaterial—that we're basically an illusion.
  • He also says that we've come to find this to be true: we are essentially invisible; there's no matter there; we're just energy forms.


He then asked about how the President would describe such a reality. Can the President say:


There's another presence in the universe which visits us, and we don't understand it.

This presence is capable of transforming itself into anything it wants.

This presence is capable of manipulating the electromagnetic spectrum.

This presence is capable of manipulating matter.

This presence is capable of showing us things that may or may not be real—or things might be real and not real at the same time.

This presence is capable of reading your mind.

These capabilities challenge our understanding of sovereignty and free will.



My Conclusion So Far


I believe they are trying to tell us that we are living in a simulation—not necessarily a computer simulation as we understand it, but a simulation nonetheless. Think about it:


Grusch's Example:His metaphor of a human being casting a shadow from a higher dimension aligns with the idea that our reality is a projection of a more complex one.

Consciousness Outside Our Bodies: This could explain why consciousness might exist outside our physical forms.

Immaterial Existence: It suggests we are immaterial—that we're basically an illusion. We're just energy forms and essentially invisible.


I don't fully understand what this presence is, and perhaps neither does the government. But this line of thought seems to have system admin capabilities .




I'm sharing this to seek help and feedback. This is all based on my belief that the government is genuinely trying to disclose the phenomena to us—or at least parts of it.

by Bader-10


  1. While I don’t think my canned response necessarily negates what you’re talking about, I think it’s important not to get distracted by people who may have a more solid, material interest in keeping things hidden.

    >Taking metals from crash retrievals and patenting them is illegal. Giving Lockheed or whatever company an advantage in the free market by letting them have sole access to this stuff so they can get ahead is similarly not allowed, and they would be open to being sued by the other companies. Having secret programs that are this off the books is, again, illegal for whoever is running them. It’s time for this secret to come out; people inside the machine are fighting for it, and I’m guessing the ones inside that have partaken in and overseen wrong-doing are testing the waters and seeing what the public opinion is and whether they’ll be allowed to skate. It’s why you hear Lue Elizondo and others making the claim that it may be sensible to grant immunity to this group of people. It’s ultimately up to this public opinion of whether its believed to be worth expediting the secret to let these people off scot free as to what happens. If the notion is to be hostile against them, I believe it’s likely they’ll fight until the very end to hold onto the secret, and depending on how much power they have, it could delay things for a very long time.

  2. Pleasant_Attention93 on

    The one you said about Grusch’s holographic interpretation is really in line of how today’s physics understands higher dimensionality. Thats a very comprehensive conclusion – I like! 😃 We are probably ‘shadows’ in 3d – that implies we dont even at all look like we think we are. Thats deep ya!

  3. Dr. Jim Tucker, reincarnation researcher at the University of Virginia also thinks there’s a link between reincarnation and quantum physics. I think along the line of a continuation of consciousness rather than rebirth as such. I think we’ve always “been”, could that be too much for people to handle?

  4. Yeah maybe, I mean this ‘physical universe’ seems pretty strange and we don’t really know what we are or what we’re supposed to be doing. Are we souls trapped here in physical bodies? Is the whole thing just an elaborate simulation of some kind? I mean, just from a purely physical pov, the universe is so vast, we are insignificant either way.

    But let’s all get a look at the flying saucers and alien bodies, and take it from there.

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