General Igor Maltsev (Former Soviet General) Confirms Russian Jets Have Chased UFOs, Soviets Never Thought it was American Stealth Aircrafts

by Ok_Peace4040


  1. “unwritten rules that we only use radar against and not armaments against UFOs”


    **Statement by General Igor Maltsev, Chief of Air Defense Forces, concerning the incident on the Pereslavi-Zalesskiy Region on the night of March 21, 1990.**    

    “I am not a specialist on UFOs and therefore I can only correlate the data and express my own supposition. According to the evidence of these eyewitnesses, the UFO is a disk with a dark diameter from 100 to 200 meters. Two pulsating light were positioned on it’s sides. When the object flew in a horizontal plane, the line of lights was parallel to the horizon. During vertical movement it rotated and was perpendicular to the ground. Moreover, the object rotated around it’s axis and performed an “STurn” flight both in the horizontal and vertical planes. Next, the UFO hovered above the ground and then flew with a speed exceeding that of the modern jet fighter by 2 or 3 times. All of the observers noticed that the flight speed was directly related to the flashing of the side lights: the more often they flashed, the faster the speed.    

    The objects flew at altitudes ranging from 1000 to 7000meters. The movement of the UFOs was not accompanied by sound of any kind and was distinguished by its startling[ maneuverability. It]( seemed that the UFOs were completely devoid of inertia. In other words, they had somehow “come to terms” with gravity. At the present time, terrestrial machines could hardly have any such capabilities. The object was observed as a “pip” from a radar target on the screens of aircraft radar sights and on the screens of several electronic surveillance sub-units. One station did not establish an observation.”

    **Statement by Lt. Colonel A.A Semenchenko**    

    “I, Lt. Colonel A.A. Semenchenko, received the command to go on an alert exercise. At 2138 hours, I received the command for take-off. In the air, in the region of Pereslavl, I received my task of directing and identifying a target at an altitude of 2000 meters. I visually detected the target, designated by two flashing white lights, at 2205 hours. I was following a true course of 220 degrees and it was ahead and to the right, at an angle of 10 degrees. The target altered it altitude by amounts ranging up to 1000 meters and changed its direction of flight. With the permission of the command post, I locked my eyesight onto the radiation after checking to be sure that the weaponry was switched off.    

    The target did not respond to the “identify, friend or foe “request. In addition to the target, 3 or 4 regularly scheduled airlines could be observed on the screen. As ordered by the command post, I carried out a banked turn. While completing the turn, I observed a luminous phenomenon, reminiscent of the aurora borealis but with a weak intensity, in the north and northwest. I Approached the target to within a range of about 500 to 600 meters. I passed over the target, trying to define its character. I observed only 2 bright flashing white lights. I briefly saw the silhouette of the target against the background of the illuminated city. It was difficult to determine its nature and classification due to the limited lighting.    

    At the order of the command post, I ended my mission and returned to the airfield. I landed with 700 liters of fuel still remaining. The weather in the region was 0-10. 21 March 1990”

    From Rabochaya Tribuna, April 19, 1990






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