Hi, I wanted to talk about the recent case of the yacht bayesian that sunk and where many people died including the billionare Mike Lynch. Obviously this event was a disgrace and I don't want to be offensive in any way to the families of the people that lost their lives.

This even happened in my city, Porticello the 19th of august.

Yesterday the italian news released this :

  • Karsten Börner the Dutch captain of the Sir Robert Baden Powell, the yacht anchored about 100 meters from the Bayesian, then reiterated to Ansa the testimony contained in the documentary broadcast by the British broadcaster. From the photos, it can be seen that 'the hatch was closed,' specifies Börner, who also adds a detail: 'During the storm, I saw a lightning bolt in the direction of the boat, followed by a sort of large black triangle that I can’t explain. A few moments later, the boat was gone. The boat was no longer there, as also confirmed by the onboard radar. –

My opinion: There are many strange things about the Bayesian yacht case, the first being that the yacht had already anchored, yet it was dragged for about 350 meters (according to official sources). Moreover, according to recent statements, the hatches were closed, which makes it hard to believe that the ship could have sunk so quickly, not to mention the pumps on the boat that are capable of expelling water. Now, I must admit that I had never seen a storm like that in the area, there were practically lightning strikes every second, but I doubt it was powerful enough to sink a 56 meters yacht in such a short time. Furthermore, the ship Sir Robert Baden Powell, about 100 meters away from the bayesian, that provided assistance , wasn’t even scratched by the storm.

Now the captain of the yacht that helped the survivors comes out with this declaration saying he was a black triangle, I don't think he has any reason to lie, because he would lose his reputation, also being a captain requires you to be sober and always pay attention to all the dangers in the area, expecially if such a storm is coming you would want to pay attention.

Of course I can provide the links of the news, this one is in english:

others are in italian you can translate them if you want.

by Snoo894


  1. Some links to the news:




  2. Maybe it’s because English is not your first language, but The Sun article doesn’t say anything that has to do with UFOs. In the incredibly short 40s clip of the interview of the other ship captain, they only said the last thing they saw of the sunk ship was a black triangle (presumed to be the bow or stern of the ship) going under the water.

    And this is The Sun, of all places. If anyone was going to report this as an alien attack it would have been The Sun, and they didn’t.

    The boat sank because of a freak storm, which isn’t actually that weird anymore because of global warming.

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