My sister in law and brother in law were driving home last night and she said she saw a bright white flash like a camera and saw these lights in front of her. There were smaller green lights and what she descrived as turbines shooting orange fire. There was a second flash and it then it dissappeared in front of her eyes without moving from the spot in the sky. She had no time to grab her phone. They were traveling southward in central texas and saw the object around 8:45 pm. I asked her to draw it up and this is what she could provide. This is the first time she had ever seen anything like this and she was pretty shook. Also, this was a very rural area so there is very little light pollution so extremely unlikely that this was a reflection from something else in the car windows.

I have not seen anything with this form in other reports but maybe someone else has. The only thing I can think that this might resemble is the the UAP from the Cash Landrum incident but even then not exactly.

Just wanted to share this if anyone has any input.

by Aero_Red_Baron

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