The second closest habitable exoplanet, Ross 128b, resides in the constellation of Virgo—or the “immaculate constellation.” In 2017 the Arecibo Observatory detected strange radio signals likely originating from the Ross 128 star system.

by jrv


  1. This tweet by wlcm2int_times presents one hypothesis as to the naming of the much-discussed “Immaculate Constellation” UAP program: that the term could refer to the constellation of Virgo (virgin, immaculate), especially since there is a close habitable exo-planet in that constellation and the Arecibo Observatory has detected strange radio signals coming from its system in 2017.

  2. **Ross 128: Scientists Solve Mystery of Radio Signals Coming from Nearby Star**


    **Weird Radio Signal from Star Likely Has Duller Explanation**

    **Breakthrough Listen follow-up of the reported transient signal observed at the Arecibo Telescope in the direction of Ross 128**


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