Boomerang shaped craft I spotted today, some kind of glider? Was moving slowly and steadily across the sky in a straight line (Worcester, Uk)

by wareheimb


  1. (Reposting as last post was removed for not including sighting info)

    Location: Worcester, UK

    Date: 10/10/24

    Time: 14:34

    Duration: around 2 minutes

    Number of witnesses: just me

    Description of sighting: spotted outside my office window, at first thought it might be a [hang glider](, but with how slim and long the wings were that didn’t seem right, nor a [regular glider]( as it had no body and was seemingly all wing. It was dead silent as it moved across the sky.

    although i couldn’t really tell how high it was without reference to its actual size; seeing as it was bellow the clouds it looked to be about the height that i see single prop planes usually fly at, as for speed it was much slower than a single prop, id say about a 4th of the speed, maybe even less. After struggling to find and focus in on the craft on my iPhone screen I managed to capture the video above, after stopping recording I watched it move out of sight as it passed over my building and I went back to work.

    **here is a link to the sharpest stills i could manage to screencap zoomed in** [****](

  2. yosarian_reddit on

    Interesting. Well done capturing it with an iphone, that’s not easy.

    Looking at it, when it’s in focus the wings look much thinner than a usual hang-glider. Regular gliders have thin wings like that but they’re straight not swept. If you can find a regular glider with swept wings then that’s the culprit most likely. Alternatively it could perhaps be a hang glider with transparent wings sections. Or even an experimental aircraft from a university or military base.

    It doesn’t have any of the 5 UAP observables so I don’t see any compelling reason to think it might be a UAP.

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