Ive never made a post about my triangle encounter/sighting before (well I tired once but the bot removed it for some reason). I have mentioned it in comments a couple times but never posted it as its own stand alone record. I just thought I would put it out there in case anyone finds it interesting.

Location: Southern Oregon, on I5 freeway/sexton mountain pass I believe

Time: Fall (I think) 2010

You can ask questions, but most of what I can remember is written below. Yes this is a Trust me bro report as I have no photo or video documentation (not that anyone believes those either). Before you post something ridiculing me for this, just know that I dont really care if you are skeptical and dont believe my story. Thats fine and I think being reasonably skeptical is great. If I hadnt seen anything myself to convince me that the phenomenon is real, I would be unsure about all this as well. This post is just an effort on my part to add a data point for others like me who have seen a triangle (or other ufo/UAP) to get a little more info from my perspective. I love hearing about other triangle encounters because I am desparately trying to find more context in order to understand exactly what it was that I saw. I hope to get some answers in the coming years through legislation, but we'll see.

The video I posted is an artistic representation of what I saw and I’m proud to say that it is quite accurate side from a couple things: The light in the middle was blinking slowly. Also as we were directly below the triangle it was so big that we were seeing two of the corners through the pine trees lining the side of the road.

One thing I didnt realize at the time but believe to be true upon reflection is that I do not recall these lights actually illuminating the area. The white lights at the corners where extremely brilliant and thinking back, they should have lit that whole area up like crazy. The blinking red/amber light in the middle was directly over us, and I would think it would have illuminated the area around us with that color, which I am quite sure was not the case. Its all very strange.

I know someone will ask me if I had any missing time. Im not sure… at that time I was not really versed in this topic and didnt know that was something I should be looking out for. I didnt take note of the time before or after. I will say that I believe this occurred shortly after dusk, and when we arrived at my parents about an hour later we excitedly told them all about it. They seemed more tired than usual and ended up going to bed shortly after. They are usually night owls and stay up really late, but this shouldnt have been late at all. hindsight is 20/20 and I wish I took careful note of many things; but the whole experience was very strange. You'll see a little more of what I mean by this with the follow up conversation I had with my co/experiencer.

Original MUFON report I filed within days of the sighting (2010):

"My roommate and I were heading down I-5 (south) and we were a few miles before Grants Pass heading up a relatively steep hill when I noticed some brilliantly white lights above/near the peek of the hill. At first we only saw 2 bright lights because of our angle of approach, but as we got further up the hill we could see that there were 3 white lights in a triangular shape and one blinking amber(ish) colored light in the center. We kept driving up the hill discussing what it could be, and decided that it was definitely not any sort of normal plane because it was totally still and looked to be very large. As we drove underneath it my roommate put his head out the window and looked up and said he could barely see the outline of the object and that it was a triangle with the lights in the corners. I couldnt make out the outline because I couldnt really stick my head out the window to look up while driving. It was difficult to tell the size of this thing without much to reference it to, but just judging by how long it took to drive underneath this thing and just our perspective of it I would say it was maybe the width of a football field or so. As we went down the other side of the hill my roommate said it must have moved toward the way we came from because we quickly lost sight of it with the peak of the hill obstructing our view. If we could have turned around at that point on the freeway we definitely would have, but we were in a bit of a rush and there wasn't any way to go back the other way for a few miles. Ive seen UFO's a couple times before but they were the single bright lights that move in zig-zag patterns, and I never quite believed in the triangular UFO's before this sighting. I obviously believe in them now… "

Follow up with my friend/Ex-roommate just last year:

-The event was strange. I remember the approach to this thing in the distance very clearly even after all this time. My buddy and I were talking about it and discussing possibilities of what it might be for at least a few minutes as we approached. It was parked directly over the freeway above the trees at the top of a mountain pass. We went directly below it. Here is the weird thing: my memory has always been very fuzzy about the departure away from this thing. I remember slowing down on the side of the road and both of us rolling the windows down to look up at it, listening for noise. As far as I can remember we just sortof kept going and I was watching in the rearview and eventually it was just out of sight. Now things get weirder. I talked to my friend that I saw this with this year after not talking in ages, and he remembers stopping the car (actually a truck) directly below it, so we could get out and find my digital SLR camera we had in the back, but when we got out of the car it was gone. I DO NOT REMEMBER IT THIS WAY AT ALL. Him telling me this was a shock. I actually had to dig up my old MUFON report (which I filed within a day or two after) to make sure I wasnt misremembering my account. It turns out this type of thing is quite commonly reported amongst experiencers, two people can experience something together but have different memories of what happened. (before you ask, we were both sober). I dont know if this discrepancy implies that we were abducted and had differing screen memories implanted or what. Im not ready to go there, and would rather just assume one of us is misremembering. I dont want to believe that I was abducted. But its very strange and disconcerting to say the least. I know this sounds crazy and these are the parts of stories that make people call BS. But its an event that occurred in my life. Take it or leave it. I have no choice but to try and make sense of it.

Colm Keller had this to say about the black triangles:

“At NIDS we did a lengthy investigation of the black triangles. 150 cases. These things were one hundred yards long, low flying, huge, coming in over neighbourhoods and interstate highways and flying at tree top level. “Brightly lit and silent. After the first ten we thought it has to be an advanced tech Special Access Programme by the Air Force. But the pilots were taking enormous risks over populated neighbourhoods with experimental craft? “After 100 cases we concluded they were not US Air Force. Pilots were violating all safety features. It was decided the phenomenon was mimicking SAPs. We created a hypothesis: ‘bi-directional mimicry’ where the phenomenon was reflecting back to us what our advanced SAPs were doing. “They were not us. But it was so confusing. Low flying, massive black triangles. One flew over Scott Air Force base in Illinois on January 5, 2000. Four separate police precincts with multiple officers watched it move around. It was unbelievable.

Source: https://m.sundayworld.com/news/irish-news/irish-scientist-with-top-secret-us-government-clearance-explains-why-we-are-not-alone/a215160076.html

Grusch on interviewee experiencing large triangle: https://youtu.be/R8TqBrrqL4U?si=k0q7Tcq_xsfCSr4e&t=337 *note, the witness he describes had damage to his vehicles paint. I did not notice any, but the truck I was driving at the time was old and had damaged paint to begin with. Not sure I would have noticed any further paint degradation…

Art Bell's personal experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWEpH91FBMc

by Important_Peach_2375


  1. Important_Peach_2375 on

    I guess I need a submission statement… I covered it all in the post, but I guess I can provide some more info about the artwork I created to represent the experience. This is essentially a light box made from acrylic, wood, and 3D print. I painted it with the consumer version of “vanta black”. Which is basically the blackest black paint available it basically doesn’t reflect any light and obsorbs it all. I used a dremel to drill through the paint to make the stars. The triangle lights are separate LEDs embedded in 3D print. The triangle sits within warp bubble features that distort the flat plane. See making of pics and whatnot here:


  2. Due-Professional-761 on

    Thank you for sharing. I wish I had tons of money because I would totally buy one of these lol

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