I heard a podcast recently with authors Leslie and Stephen Shaw that made a lot of sense to me. I've thought for about 25 years that most of these things are from Earth, anyway, and have been hiding, but this episode convinced me even more that this is probably the case with a slightly different spin on it than I ever considered before. They're not "humans from the future" and they're not "demons," but they are other races of beings and some are like genetically superior humans with telepathy, which we should have ourselves, but has been somewhat lost, either due to evolution after the races became separated in isolation, or because we just became ignorant of how to activate it when our race was almost wiped out. We can still receive telepathic messages, which is why the "aliens" are usually described as communicating telepathically.

I forgot that originally I used to think "aliens" were underground, undersea, and Antarctica because of all the reports of USOs, underground community structures that archeologists have found as well as all the legends of Agartha and stuff like that, and Admiral Byrd's account of his trip to Antarctica. Somewhere along the way, I just became more preoccupied with the idea that they're probably interdimensional and mainly living in another dimension right here on Earth.

But, after listening to this podcast, I was reminded again of the underground, undersea, and Antarctica ideas and it really makes a lot of sense, including the recent spike in visible UFOs in our skies. The basic idea the authors in this podcast episode describe is that these are civilizations that are way more advanced than us, but only by about 1300 years. They went underground and survived while everyone else pretty much died during a great flood which has been described in all the ancient cultures. So, they were like "breakaway" civilizations and they already had advanced knowledge way back then, so they've only gotten more advanced over the last 1300 years as far as genetic technology and UFO technology.

Those ideas already start to explain their interest in nuclear weapons, animal mutilations, abductions of mostly white people and the pregnancies and genetic experiments they do on people, but it makes even more sense if you accept the claim that Eisenhower met with these "aliens" shortly after Admiral Byrd ran into them in Antarctica. Supposedly, Eisenhower negotiated an agreement by which the "aliens" would give the USA advanced technology as long as we didn't interfere with their abductions and experiments. USA really had no choice since the "aliens" had technology that could destroy us (they destroyed Admiral Byrd's fleet and he fled Antarctica for his life).

Part of that deal was that the US government was supposed to reveal their existence by a certain date and, if they didn't, then the "aliens" would reveal themselves, which is what they're doing now. The authors in this podcast point out the Phoenix Lights incident as a blatant example of this when massive UFOs slowly and silently floated through the most populated part of Arizona where there were no obstructions to visibility and thousands of people saw them firsthand.

Here's a Youtube link if you prefer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf8VJ1S4LD8

by NoMuddyFeet

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