# The Tom Delonge* Theory of UFOs in a Nutshell**

What follows is the best possible breakdown of what I believe Tom Delonge knows about the phenomenon. I’m sorry for any mistakes or sloppy formatting, but this is the best I could do with all the different sources I’ve tried to cite.


According to [Delonge](https://youtu.be/PNq0RCvJ0Qc?t=1478)\*\* and [William Bramley’s book The Gods of Eden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEpfLfvD5Dc&t=621s), **factions of NHI created mankind and control us to create division and war**. [Certain NHI created us as a slave race and wish to keep us servile. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn2h2phywNE)This, crazily enough, falls in line with the ancient astronaut theory of Zecharia Sitchin and certain theories regarding megalithic ancient structures.

Their primary way of controlling/manipulating people into war is through the use of religion. Examples include the wars between Protestant and Catholics, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Taiping Rebellion, etc.

Tom and his sources call the malevolent NHI “the Others.” The reason our government does not disclose is because we are biding our time/at war with these malevolent beings and secretly attempting to free ourselves from the Others and their influence.


If you read Delonge and Bramley in conjunction with[ Robert Monroe’s books on OBE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3kNHHcMkog)s, then the reason these malevolent NHI do this is because[ the malevolent NHI feed off emotional energy AKA loosh – negative loosh in particular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J96E6X_tsIY).

Human beings are enslaved and treated as an [“agricultural product” (George Knapp’s words, not mine)](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHujtjrsx32zDh6ttGgzo18BUvCaQYT23) – [we reincarnate on this planet over and over to provide malevolent NHI with loosh and cannot reach our full potential because of it. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekret_Machines:_Gods)

Part of the reason why Tom and company believe in the reincarnation/prison planet theory is due to information from [Near Death Experiences – a topic being covered now by none other than Leslie Keen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXR98_pJhI4), the same reporter who wrote the 2017 NYT article and helped to break the news about David Grusch.


According to Bramley and Delonge, the malevolent NHI control/manipulate us through factions within secret societies or “priestly classes” (Tom’s words not mine) like the [Rosicrucians](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/uwve4n/ufos_and_rosicrucianism/)**, Freemasons, and the Vatican.** I say FACTIONS within these groups because I believe that there are internal conflicts within them – some members want to disclose their knowledge regarding these entities, while others do not.

Before you tell me to loosen my tinfoil hat, consider the following interesting facts:

1. Rosicrucians often talk about getting help and guidance from [“invisible masters”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blO9O0E-Gfk) who live on [another plane of existence/dimension. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trsre_aeD3E)
2. Take a look at [this Rosicrucian symbol](https://www.macoy.com/Assets/ProductImages/L007.jpg), [Lectorium Rosicrucianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lectorium_Rosicrucianum), and [the exact same symbol drawn by Lue Elizondo](https://youtu.be/1EMP71LF1JE?t=2521). Lue Elizondo talks about the idea that humans are primarily spiritual beings that have greater abilities than we know (e.g. remote viewing, precognition, the ability to go out-of-body), which are all part of Rosicrucian beliefs.
3. Consider the[ strange abilitie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilocation#:~:text=Bilocation%2C%20or%20sometimes%20multilocation%2C%20is,places%20at%20the%20same%20time)s and miracles of saints and [sightings of the Virgin Mary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_of_the_Sun) as cited by Diana Pasalka as possible UFO encounters. [Oddly enough, the Fatima sighting of the Virgin Mary also seems to line up with Chris Bledsoe’s sighting/concept of the Lady. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwCLm_qRric)
4. [Tom Delonge himself is a mason](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF1UHDPh4Io) and so are a number of his advisors.

Overall, as crazy as it sounds, there are breadcrumbs being dropped that William Bramley isn’t completely crazy on this: that these groups have knowledge/been in contact with otherworldly NHI and that some use it to their advantage and others want to disclose this information to humanity.

\*For those who discount Tom Delonge, I would take a moment to actually look at his claims/performance before casting judgment. I would remind people that we know for a fact that [Tom Delonge was corresponding with generals, heads of major private military industrial complex companies (like Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks), and John Podesta of all people. ](https://youtu.be/sK7bMzgH3rM)He has been seen working with [Christopher Mellon and Lue Elizondo. ](https://www.cleveland.com/resizer/v2/MEILWCBTZJD2NIDNT7WMGBFNEI.jpg?auth=91937c94e7dba11da6e9faca7d3da880464cc1511909f78da7a717b2616d3b96&width=1280&quality=90)

He’s also a perfect candidate for floating the truth through because he has a wide audience that he can spread the message through in the form of inoffensive media such as books, movies, and songs, while also being to discard if need be since he’s an artist and not a government insider. They can always say that what he’s saying is conjecture/untrue. He’s also independently wealthy so I find the idea that he’s just trying to grift hard to believe. I doubt he makes more money from this than from his world famous punk rock band.

He’s also made predictions and called shots that turned out to be correct. He said there would be hearings and legislation on the matter – he was right. He said that he had high level advisors prior to wikileaks – he was right. Overall, despite as crazy as it sounds, the man has not missed when it comes to making claims that we can prove/predict.

\*\*I’ve tried my absolute best to cite to materials I have found to the best of my ability. Some of the best direct source material is from Tom Delonge’s books and [Coast to Coast interviews from 2016 and 2017, which you can access through here. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn2h2phywNE)My apologies if I don’t send you to the perfect time stamp, but there’s a lot of stuff to go through.

by hanuap


  1. Submission Statement:

    Tom Delonge’s theory of ufos lines up very well with William Bramley’s book the Gods of Eden. Namely, both suggest that malevolent NHI are behind a lot of wars and division between human beings. The reason for this division is probably due to Robert Monroe’s concept of loosh. The part that Tom does not talk about as much is the role of certain secret societies or “priestly classes” in serving NHI, which I discuss here and corroborated by William Bramley.

  2. What Tom Delonge “knows” or rather “believes”?

    Tom has massive UFO book collection so you can’t use what Tom says and somehow align it with Zecharia Sitchin, when Tom was influenced by Sitchin in the first place.

    The question is whether generals risked their careers, family, and jail time to spill classified information to a celebrity or was it simply story telling from one believer to another?

  3. StillChillTrill on

    Thanks for posting OP.

    I think the reality is that there are always good/bad/light/dark on all sides at all times. After [evaluating the tangible side of the topic (the money trail)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d6zhiv/saic_had_ufo_stuff_in_the_70s_gme_is_a_perfect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I think the real coverup is that there is no 1 thing. The truth of who did what, why, and how will forever be skewed due to complex nature of the coverup.

    We are killing the planet by maintaining this cover up. While many would make the argument that the secret must be maintained in order to keep society calm, I would argue that it is in the institution’s best interest to begin acting in good faith immediately to avoid global unrest.

    This is done for many reasons, by many parties, in many eras, with varying reasons and intent. Yes it is that complex. The UFO/NHI topic is the absolute best example of dollars being spent outside of congressional oversight. [Says people who have a legitimate organization that is lobbying for UAP/NHI transparency.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dm3lo8/comment/l9tla4f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

    You don’t need to acknowledge the existence of “the phenomenon” in order to accept that Non-Human Intelligence exists. Have you heard of dolphins? What about AGI? “The Coverup” isn’t pursued by 1 single entity, 1 single mission, 1 single nation, 1 single topic. It is an amalgamation of varying interests fighting to keep your interests. You know this. The UFO/NHI topic has been plagued with [intentional disinformation](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17jpjvm/a_reminder_that_government_agencies_pump_the_ufo/) and [extreme ridicule](https://youtu.be/RfA5nf9XPM8?si=m-IUyF7XZlA9BnSM). This is because it presents the largest vulnerability and most egregious abuse.

    “The Coverup” convinces you to lack the confidence to self-reflect and discern, thus forcing you to rely on others for decision-making. This spans all continents, nations, cultures, religions, industries, etc. Attributes such as political affiliation, race, gender, favorite musician, sports team, and any other data point possible is used to make you DECIDE something. They have been studying this for years. [MK Ultra](https://www.reddit.com/r/Documentaries/comments/mo3u1t/mk_ultra_cia_mind_control_program_in_canada_1980/), [the data broker market](https://www.knowledge-sourcing.com/report/global-data-broker-market), [surveillance systems](https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2016/08/22/the-surreptitious-reincarnation-of-cointelpro-with-the-cops-gang-stalking-program/), so many components create an industry that revolves around evaluating YOU and providing insights to interested parties vying for your attention.

    You subscribe to systems that sell your data via acknowledging ToS and Privacy Agreements you skip reading because it’s convenient. But truthfully, convenience is only secured for the owners of those systems. The data science and decision analytics have shaped the world you live in [and others](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/15eg8id/ghost_in_the_machine_what_do_you_think_happens/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). There are malevolent parties at play that abuse this. Sometimes they are the architects of said systems and strategies.

    A matrix of sorts. Whether you traverse it on a Tron cycle, nice car, or horse really depends on your perspective, and it takes your willingness to reshape your understanding to see beyond that perception.

  4. DendragapusO on

    War. A lot of folks on reddit seem to live under this idea that war is not intrinsic to humanity, that is was something outside our true experience as beings & if only we could throw off the shackles of our oppressors we would live in a utopia.

    I am a wildlife biologist and have studied many many species. Violence, aggression, & war is NOT something limited to the human animal. Chimps go to war.

    This doent mean it is only agression, war, violence, competition. There are also many examples of intra and inter species cooperation, compassion, etc,

    My point is that we as humans have always been violent. But as thinking beings it is both our curse and our salvation that WE ourselves r responsible for moderating the violence in our nature.

    We r not helpless slaves. But neither is utopia a reality either.

  5. I think it’s important to note that much of this post is your own personal opinion, interspersed with quotes from various authors and SME. What follows is of course my own opinion, based in my interpretation of similar data.

    Robert Monroe introduced the world to the concept of “loosh”, but never once endorsed or brought up the “prison planet” theory. He believed (or was taught/shown) that souls incarnate on earth voluntarily.

    DeLonge also has never publicly endorsed the prison planet theory. His hypothesis that humans are being used by various factions of NHI, as tools in a proxy war for souls, is where he has drawn the line.

    DeLonge emphasizes that consciousness is the key – because consciousness (which we cannot measure yet) is the key ingredient that we do not yet understand.

    There are other religions and philosophical disciplines that acknowledge NHI, consciousness, and psi-abilities/phenomena.

    In my opinion – many religions and philosophical traditions have attempted to explain that human beings (among many other “conscious” species) are multi-dimensional beings. We are spiritual beings, who currently exist in the physical dimension – during our waking hours.

    It’s certainly possible that we were designed and created by NHI is a “disabled” species. Very few among us can utilize the abilities that come naturally to us as souls – telepathy and precognition for example.

  6. Ultimately, the pentagon doesn’t want people to get too close to the truth. They treat people who get close like Paul Bennewitz. I think they use Tom’s own abduction against him to make it seem like NHI are scary. There are countless other reports from NDE’s saying the opposite is true. If it was a prison planet then all NDE reports would be the same thing.
    Additionally, other NHI reports state that the beings are worried about nukes and what we do to the planet. Seems like they wouldn’t be worried about it if they wanted to enact suffering.

  7. Taste_the__Rainbow on

    IMO the whole concept of Loosh is a religious/fantasy wrapping being applied to something more simple: experience.

    That’s what they get from us. That’s what they force us to provide. We’re just a zoo/reality tv experience for things that are no longer/never were biological.

  8. Ridiculous. Is he really that unserious or was he threatened into making these farcical claims after learning too much from his inside contacts in order to discredit the phenomenon? 

  9. I believe he would have gone a lot further and said a lot more if it weren’t for the Wikileaks emails. You are correct that they lend a greater air of credibility to his words on this topic. I don’t think that was intended. I think it blew up his spot honestly.

  10. While it’s fun to think about this kind of stuff, I have a hard time believing it. I do believe that we are being deliberately divided and that we are by the people that have money and power. Not because they are part of some secret cabal, but because they are egotistical narcissistic psychopaths.

    They deliberately wedge people (especially the media – looking your way Murdoch family), while placating us with media and technology, to ensure they keep hold of their money, power and that their personal ideologies maintain a foothold. Think about it, the harder society pushes against capitalist based feudalism the more volatile the rhetoric becomes.

    They are the ones that have us trapped. The nations that are happiest and wealthiest, also have this great balance between capitalist and socialist ideals.

    To attribute war and division in society to an off world life form diminishes the evil of the people who are actually fucking up our planet.

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