Three Fingered ETs, Blue Beings, Astral Ships (Parravicini Drawings)

by matt2001

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  1. I have filtered through over 900 drawings of Benjamin Soliari Parravicini for those that would be of interest to the UFO community:

    – [Benjamín Solari Parravicini UFO Series English : Godzilla2001 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](

    Here are a few from the PDF:

    Drawing 1:
    “La mano de los tres dedosnvisionarios portará al
    mundo a su nuevo punto puerto. Sobre la atmósfera
    corregida y alejada. El cambio de clima será
    completo. No habrá ni frios ni calores.
    Primavera sin fin.” B.S.P. 1960

    “The hand of the three-fingered visionaries will
    carry the world to its new port point. Over the
    corrected and distant atmosphere. The climate
    change will be complete. There will be neither
    cold nor heat. Endless spring.”

    Drawing 2:
    “En el final del Tiempo Tiempo, en la hora primera de la hora,
    de nuevo bajarán a la Tierra los Astronávegos del ayer,
    portando palabras en advertencias. Convivirán estos seres
    azules la vida con el hombre ciego. Sus naves serán guardadas
    en altas cumbres de montañosas regiones, dentro de sus ya
    conocidos cráteres. ¡El Astronávego astral hará el bien al
    Terráqueo, sin ser éste advertido! “B.S.P. 1960

    ” At the end of Time Time, in the first hour of the hour,
    the Astronauts of yesterday will descend to Earth again,
    bringing words in warnings. These blue beings will live
    life with the blind man. Their ships will be kept on
    high peaks of mountainous regions, inside their already
    known craters. The astral Astronaut will do good to the
    Earthman, without being noticed!”

    Drawing 3:
    “Toda Nave Astral es construida en materiales no conocidos
    aún sobre la Tierra. Sus Naves son livianas, moldeadas en
    íntegra pieza sin unión alguna. El Naviero es encerrado
    igualmente en entera vestimenta escafándrica sin costuras
    y algunas transparentes y azules. Nuestro fuego al grado máximo no
    calentará ni perforará la consistencia de ¡ambos! “B.S.P.

    “Every Astral Ship is built from materials not yet known on
    Earth. Their Ships are light, molded in a single piece without
    any joints. The Navigator is also enclosed in an entire seamless
    suit, some parts being transparent and blue.
    Our highest heat will neither warm nor pierce the consistency of these! ”

    ### About the artist:
    Benjamín Solari Parravicini was an Argentine artist and alleged
    psychic/prophet whose life and work continue to intrigue many.
    From a young age, Parravicini claimed to have made accurate
    predictions, such as foreseeing the start of World War I in 1914.
    He is best known for his “psychographies” – drawings and writings
    he produced while in a trance state, containing prophecies about
    future events.

    Many of Parravicini’s psychographies appear to have accurately
    predicted major events decades in advance, including:
    – the invention of television
    – details of the space race between the U.S. and Russia
    – satellite communications
    – in vitro fertilization
    – the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center
    – the assassination of JFK
    – atomic energy and bombing of Japan

    Parravicini also claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials
    who instructed him to preach love. Despite skepticism, the accuracy
    of some of his psychographies is seen as remarkable.

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