Dear Community,

I hope this is the right place to share this. In 2023, I recorded a video.

One evening, I was out walking my dog and, as someone who’s been deeply interested in UFOs for some time, I’ve made it a habit to watch the sky whenever it’s clear.

That evening, I spotted an object in the sky, but quickly realized it was just a satellite. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two objects between two stars (as seen in the video) that briefly lit up and moved between the stars in very short intervals. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to record these two objects in time, but I quickly grabbed my phone and captured three more objects afterward. I wanted to continue recording, but after about 30 seconds with no further activity, I stopped. Then, suddenly, three more objects appeared, moving at the same intervals as the previous ones.

Note: I’ve adjusted the color settings in the video to make the objects clearer. I can also upload the unedited original video if needed.

Question: What could these objects be?

Location: Düsseldorf, Germany.
If you need any more information, feel free to ask.

by -Hyperhive

1 Comment

  1. I captured footage of several unexplained lights in the sky while walking my dog in Düsseldorf. The objects appeared suddenly, moved in sync, and disappeared. Could these be UFOs, satellites, or something else? I’ve adjusted the video for clarity and can provide the original. What do you think?

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