The Knives Are Out! 

Here is my response to what I consider to be a “hit” piece of journalism that is being passed around on social media. Link to Jeremy McGowan’s article on Medium appears below my comment. 

It is not surprising that efforts will be made to attack Mr. Elizondo's credibility given the Pentagon's 70 plus year de facto policy of ridicule and denial concerning what are now called UAP. In my judgment this is a biased piece of reporting that labels Elizondo's claims as "grandiose" while at the same time admitting that his work as a contractor for the DOD is not covered in his military record analyzed in the article. It is common knowledge that some of the most dangerous military and intelligence operations of our armed forces are conducted by contractors.

Although this flawed report focuses on Mr. Elizondo's military record, his important role in UAP investigations has been supported by a high-ranking former CIA official who worked with Luis Elizondo while Lou was employed in the Pentagon. Mr. James Semivan is that high ranking CIA official. This gentleman who is typically mild mannered stated that anyone who doubts Lou's credibility concerning his position and efforts on UAP matters for the DOD is "FOS!!!"

Link to Jeremy McGowan’s article


by Contactunderground

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