Michael Masters on Danny Jones podcast, 3 hours long

by AdGroundbreaking1870


  1. AdGroundbreaking1870 on

    Michael Masters speaking about future human hypothesis on Danny Jones podcast. I didn’t saw it yet, but will listen pretty soon, i am sure many ppl appreciate this man’s point of view and ideas. Curious to see the discussion

  2. I’ve become a fan of Dr. Masters. Every interview with him so far has been great. Wish he had his own podcast or something! He’d be the perfect guide through the topic. I trust his intellect and insight.

    Not yet sold on his idea about us dealing with future humans. It’s one more plausible possibility to throw into the bucket. But he makes a good argument for it. And even he thinks it’s smart to be open about the possibilities — he isn’t sniffing his own farts in other words.

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